EBOOK HP GRATIS BLOG DAN SEOJaringan komputerMenguasai CSS dengan mudahBelajar HTML dengan mudahTutorial seo untuk pemulaPHP untuk pemula 'a14e16e23b52f93', // Required to request ads. To find your Publisher ID, log in to your AdMob account and click on the "Sites & Apps" tab.
'ANALYTICS_ID' => 'your_analytics_site_id', // Required to collect Analytics data. To find your Analytics ID, log in to your Analytics account and click on the "Edit" link next to the name of your site.
'AD_REQUEST' => true, // To request an ad, set to TRUE.
'ANALYTICS_REQUEST' => false, // To enable the collection of analytics data, set to TRUE.
'TEST_MODE' => true, // While testing, set to TRUE. When you are ready to make live requests, set to FALSE.
// Additional optional parameters are available at: http://developer.admob.com/wiki/AdCodeDocumentation
'OPTIONAL' => array()
// Optional parameters for AdMob Analytics (http://analytics.admob.com)
//$admob_params['OPTIONAL']['title'] = "Enter Page Title Here"; // Analytics allows you to track site usage based on custom page titles. Enter custom title in this parameter.
//$admob_params['OPTIONAL']['event'] = "Enter Event Name Here"; // To learn more about events, log in to your Analytics account and visit this page: http://analytics.admob.com/reports/events/add
/* This code supports the ability for your website to set a cookie on behalf of AdMob
* To set an AdMob cookie, simply call admob_setcookie() on any page that you call admob_request()
* The call to admob_setcookie() must occur before any output has been written to the page (http://www.php.net/setcookie)
* If your mobile site uses multiple subdomains (e.g. "a.example.com" and "b.example.com"), then pass the root domain of your mobile site (e.g. "example.com") as a parameter to admob_setcookie().
* This will allow the AdMob cookie to be visible across subdomains
/* AdM